Lords International School is one of the top schools in Alwar.
Separate Boys and Girls Hostels with all modern amenities such as laundry room, gymnasium and indoor sports.
Fully air-conditioned rooms with attached toilets and bathrooms. Each room accommodates a maximum of 4 students.
The school provides healthy and fully nutritious meals 5-times a day in the following manner:
Breakfast at 7:30 AM
Light snacks at 11:00 AM
Lunch at 2:00 PM
Evening snacks at 5:30 PM
Dinner at 8:00 PM
After the school hours, there are special prep classes for hostel students wherein they are helped with their classwork and homework by teachers living in campus.
All students go through basic fitness training in the morning followed by yoga. In the evening, all students are required to pick a sport of their choice for which special in-house coaches are provided.
In-house Dairy
Students are provided high protein milk and milk products produced from the In-house Dairy on the campus.